The biggest CON of all time

There is no grand, human purpose for your life.
You can’t make something out of nothing.
You are not destined for greatness.

Life does not reward effort and hard work.
Passion gets you nothing in return.
Talent is no guarantee of success.

The only thing that stands between you and abject failure on any measure that matters to you is sheer synchronicity.

The people who peddle message of change and hope are cynically exploiting the human condition.

You are who you are.
You are a product of your genes and a victim of your environment.
God does not promise you prosperity or health or even a good life.

Your choices will change your approach and your attitude but your choices don’t influence the outcome.

Of course there is cause and effect: if you eat too much you get fat, if you take drugs shit will happen to you. If you exercise enough you will get fit. These things MAY apply on a PHYSICAL level. But even then not all who overeat become obese, not all who exercise avoid a heart-attack.

And we have become conditioned by the prevalence of simplistic, naturalistic cause-and-effect phenomena to expect that it applies METAPHYSICALLY.

It does NOT.

Living a good life doesn’t mean you won’t get cancer.
Committing a crime does not mean you will ‘pay the price’ or the victim will receive justice.
Working hard won’t make you rich, it makes you tired.
Being smart won’t make you happy.
Loving someone is no guarantee of being lived back.

There is no fucking recipe and there no secrets.

It happens or it doesn’t.

And the way it happens for you is not the way it will happen for someone else. There are many roads that lead to the same place. Too many to count or even to understand.

You are born. You live. You die. The only thing you can do in the middle of all that is to show up. You can do this hopefully and you can do it with an attitude that makes the best of the hand you were dealt.

When Theodore Roosevelt said “Believe you can and you’’re halfway there”; he probably had a self-serving political agenda, but he was lying through his teeth.

You may think this is a negative post. You may at first experience discomfort as you are disabused of your lifelong expectations. But all that brainwashing you have been exposed only washed away the dirty reality you must now face.

Your plans make God laugh.
Your efforts make no difference.

The ONLY thing you can do is to rock up every day.
If you can do this with equanimity and with peaceful, positive intent, then you can at least hope for a day that won’t suck.

But there are no guarantees.

If you are looking for a purpose, it can be found in the metaphysical and philosophical sphere. Religion, for instance, can provide such a purpose - but being a great singer, published author, happily married father or a successful entrepreneur is not your destiny.

Hope to get lucky, put yourself in a position to reap such luck and maybe you will.



Now read this

Things I have learned painfully

Humility is hard. You can only claim it if you have sacrificed something important. If you know what that sacrifice is, you should be able to name it. Can you? The way you do anything is the way you do everything. If you can find the... Continue →