Oh, the irony of atheism

While I have no statistical support for my contention, I am very confident that the prevailing paradigm is left/liberal. (Not to be confused with the Liberal Party in Australia which is conservative/right.) Whilst the Liberal Party has been recently elected in Australia, I believe that is more a function of Labor (left/union) incompetence and corruption than policies which the majority of people agree with.

If I am right, the majority of Australians will be:

And of of course more people are now very forward in proclaiming their ATHEISM - or at the very least claim to be Anti-Religion and/or Agnostic. Many of these ‘new’ atheists use the term very loosely and I will do the same now, because my argument does not require strict definitional agreement.

People so inclined, base their view on two mainstream ideas:

The validity of science (or as refer to it, Scientism)
The evidence of evolution (more correctly, Darwinism)

These two things are almost seen as two sides of the same coin, or at least Darwinism is seen as the scientific explanation that counters argument of the faithful about God and Creationism.

I don’t want to refute either of those arguments here, except to mention in passing that:

in terms of scientism: those who believe that science and religion are mutually exclusive, are making a major error in their assumptions.
in terms of evolution: read what Prof Behe has to say about Irreducible Complexity. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Behe)

What I do want to focus on is the irony of the Atheist world view.

If you are atheist, it means human beings are no more than chemical scum and let me explain what that means:

1: This means there is no objective truth (NONE - nothing that even science can discover or describe.) #

At best science can describe what IS - and leave it at that. Bear in mind that science - by design - operates under the limitations and suppositions of a ‘materialistic’ world only.

Kenneth Samples wrote:
“Reason has been reduced to a molecular pool game with proteins and chemicals whacking about through neural circuitry, generating pictures, colors and sensations.

While having a molecular pool game governing your decisions may sound fun for a bit, it precludes any master-of-my-own-destiny claims to independence or ownership of achievements, capacities or ideas. After all, you don’t own your ideas, choices, achievements or fate; that’s just the way the balls bounce.”

. It also means there is no free will. #

If human beings are chemical accidents, as everything else, then so are our thoughts, our fear and our aspirations. Whatever you (THINK) you choose is purely a product of past chemical reactions bumping up against the current chemical reactions.

If you think that I am exaggerating about humans being no more than chemical scum, consider this:

This is what the leading New Atheist Richard Dawkins wrote:
“We are survival machines – robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment.”

This is what an Atheist Blogger wrote:
“[To] all my Atheist friends.
Let us stop sugar coating it. I know, it’s hard to come out and be blunt with the friendly Theists who frequent sites like this. However in your efforts to “play nice” and “be civil” you actually do them a great disservice.

We are Atheists. We believe that the Universe is a great uncaused, random accident. All life in the Universe past and future are the results of random chance acting on itself. While we acknowledge concepts like morality, politeness, civility seem to exist, we know they do not. Our highly evolved brains imagine that these things have a cause or a use, and they have in the past, they’ve allowed life to continue on this planet for a short blip of time. But make no mistake: all our dreams, loves, opinions, and desires are figments of our primordial imagination. They are fleeting electrical signals that fire across our synapses for a moment in time. They served some purpose in the past. They got us here. That’s it. All human achievement and plans for the future are the result of some ancient, evolved brain and accompanying chemical reactions that once served a survival purpose. Ex: I’ll marry and nurture children because my genes demand reproduction, I’ll create because creativity served a survival advantage to my ancient ape ancestors, I’ll build cities and laws because this allowed my ape grandfather time and peace to reproduce and protect his genes. My only directive is to obey my genes. Eat, sleep, reproduce, die. That is our bible.

We deride the Theists for having created myths and holy books. We imagine ourselves superior. But we too imagine there are reasons to obey laws, be polite, protect the weak etc. Rubbish. We are nurturing a new religion, one where we imagine that such conventions have any basis in reality. Have they allowed life to exist? Absolutely. But who cares? Outside of my greedy little gene’s need to reproduce, there is nothing in my world that stops me from killing you and reproducing with your wife. Only the fear that I might be incarcerated and thus be deprived of the opportunity to do the same with the next guy’s wife stops me. Some of my Atheist friends have fooled themselves into acting like the general population. They live in suburban homes, drive Toyota Camrys, attend school plays. But underneath they know the truth. They are a bag of DNA whose only purpose is to make more of themselves. So be nice if you want. Be involved, have polite conversations, be a model citizen. Just be aware that while technically an Atheist, you are an inferior one. You’re just a little bit less evolved, that’s all. When you are ready to join me, let me know, I’ll be reproducing with your wife.

I know it’s not PC to speak so bluntly about the ramifications of our beliefs, but in our discussions with Theists we sometimes tip toe around what we really know to be factual. Maybe it’s time we Atheists were a little more truthful and let the chips fall where they may. At least that’s what my genes are telling me to say.”


The entire ‘scientific process’ - every thought, every action has been predetermined by attributes of those bouncing molecules.

How can those chemical reactions (uncontrolled, ‘robotic’) actually produce thoughts that will discover the ‘truth’ about - WAIT FOR IT - the chemical reactions?

If that is not a classic case of circular reasoning, then I don’t know what is.
Irony indeed, since circular reasoning is surely as unscientific as you get.

Many believers make the same mistake of course. (I believe in God because the Bible said so and the Bible is true because God said so.)

The scientists are really saying we are chemical scum buckets with no (existential) purpose because the chemical scum bucket produced chemical reactions that said so. Actually, that PROVES so!

This is the science that atheists believe in. And maybe you too?

I thought this may help clarify the consequences of choosing your belief system, because - and you can quote me on that - there are always consequences to any belief system.

Choose carefully.


Now read this

In an atheist world, it doesn’t matter…

In an atheist world there is no good and no evil; just better and worse. There is no meaning or purpose; things just are. In an atheist world we are just a bunch of atoms that came together by accident. These atoms interact chemically... Continue →