Dennis Price

entrepreneur & performance architect @ ganador

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A story for the ages

Once upon a time there were a bunch of people who decided they didn’t like Football anymore.
What is to like about a bunch of men, who exclude women – those bastards, running around on a patch of grass on a Saturday afternoon throwing funny-shaped ball around trying to ‘score’? There is a bunch of made-up rules of the game that are constantly broken anyway as they bash each other in the most barbaric way. The strangest thing is how this seems to excite the crowds who arrive religiously every Saturday in their tens of thousands, wearing funny gear and singing funny songs.
Afterwards they clog up the streets and cause traffic jams, making a mess of the public spaces that they really don’t share with everyone. In some cases this ‘entertainment’ is even allowed as tax break for the corporate types, which is a ridiculous use of taxpayer funds and completely unfair. They have access to these...

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In an atheist world, it doesn’t matter…

In an atheist world there is no good and no evil; just better and worse. There is no meaning or purpose; things just are.

In an atheist world we are just a bunch of atoms that came together by accident. These atoms interact chemically and physically in accordance to their chemical properties. These reactions may be called thoughts and emotions, or even called life; but in their truth it is just chemistry.

We now know that we are more insignificant than we ever imagined. If you get rid of everything we see, the universe is essentially the same. We constitute a 1 percent bit of pollution in a universe … we are completely irrelevant. —LAWRENCE KRAUSS

If the atheist does not allow for a transcendent determiner of an ultimate truth, no such truth can exist and all we observe and experience is subjective and relative. We may agree not to rape babies, not because it is wrong, but because we...

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Oh, the irony of atheism

While I have no statistical support for my contention, I am very confident that the prevailing paradigm is left/liberal. (Not to be confused with the Liberal Party in Australia which is conservative/right.) Whilst the Liberal Party has been recently elected in Australia, I believe that is more a function of Labor (left/union) incompetence and corruption than policies which the majority of people agree with.

If I am right, the majority of Australians will be:

  • Pro Abortion
  • Pro Refugees
  • Pro Climate Change
  • Pro LGBT rights

And of of course more people are now very forward in proclaiming their ATHEISM - or at the very least claim to be Anti-Religion and/or Agnostic. Many of these ‘new’ atheists use the term very loosely and I will do the same now, because my argument does not require strict definitional agreement.

People so inclined, base their view on two mainstream ideas:

The validity...

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If you really want to, you can solve society’s most intractable problems like this

If you want your Government to embrace clean energy, then don’t punish them at the voting booth because they did not provide the jobs (that dirty energy provides in greater numbers.)

If you want to save Qantas, subsidise them by buying their over-priced tickets, not by handing out tax collections. (Or at least don’t ask me to hand over mine.)

If you want the Public School system to be world class, send YOUR kids to it. (Even if they are smarter and you think they deserve better. Fact is, even these kids will eventually live in a society that is determined by those ignoramuses and unfortunates you wanted to disassociate yourself from. It is called ‘democracy’.)

If you want your kid to do well at school, don’t do their homework and let the teachers do their jobs without interference. (YOUR job is to educate your child and instill values and the teacher will take care of the reading and...

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Gender inequality is not about sex or gender

That rumbling noise that you hear is the collective gnashing of teeth of left.

The four big issues (getting airplay) in socio-political discourse at the moment - or at least on qanda recently - are:
Refugees (a.ka. the boats)
Under-representation of women
LGBT rights
Freedom of speech (racial vilification - see ‘boat people’)

Ignoring the irony of a panel of commentators (average earnings north of $500K p/a ea) pontificating about the plight of the average punters for the moment; I found it really interesting that the middle-aged white guy was the only one NOT subscribing to the prevailing dominant paradigm and the only one showing some sense of understanding some of the big picture.

In any event, they all - and every government in succession - gets this wrong all the time because they do not understand the root cause of the problem they are trying to address.

Let’s consider these...

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The biggest CON of all time

There is no grand, human purpose for your life.
You can’t make something out of nothing.
You are not destined for greatness.

Life does not reward effort and hard work.
Passion gets you nothing in return.
Talent is no guarantee of success.

The only thing that stands between you and abject failure on any measure that matters to you is sheer synchronicity.

The people who peddle message of change and hope are cynically exploiting the human condition.

You are who you are.
You are a product of your genes and a victim of your environment.
God does not promise you prosperity or health or even a good life.

Your choices will change your approach and your attitude but your choices don’t influence the outcome.

Of course there is cause and effect: if you eat too much you get fat, if you take drugs shit will happen to you. If you exercise enough you will get fit. These things MAY apply on a...

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Things I have learned painfully

Humility is hard. You can only claim it if you have sacrificed something important. If you know what that sacrifice is, you should be able to name it. Can you?

The way you do anything is the way you do everything. If you can find the problems/issues in the unimportant things that go wrong, you will find the same things sabotaging your important things.

The worst thing you can own is an excuse. And if your thinking patterns are such that they invariably lead to excuses, then you will always have an achievement challenge. (Sometimes excuses masquerade as explanations.)

The things you don’t do gets you the things you don’t want. If the fear and pain of those things you don’t want outweighs the gains you may get, then you will be motivated to act. (E.g. if the ridicule of obesity outweighs the pleasure of eating, you will find the motivation to diet.) Find the motivation at the point of...

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Start-ups done bad

The new dogma for an entrepreneurial start-up is:

  • get it up quickly
  • close enough is good enough
  • test
  • feedback
  • iterate
  • pivot, or - prove the concept (Even VC is going that way - ala 500 Startups)

Is this really how entrepreneurship should work? Just because it can?

Most writing about start-ups references the Valley and equivalent places where the focus is on tech- and web start-ups. Of course these are not the only types of start-up.

It seems as if the philosophy that underpins the ‘do the quick and dirty and figure out as you go along’ works well in the digital space - because it can be done without great time penalty.

There are two problems with this.

  1. It does not work for all types of start-up. E.g. in the B2B space it could spell disaster. Or imagine if a hardware start-up, selling say smoke detectors, decided to suck-and-see?

  2. The UNINTENDED consequences of this approach is...

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